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What is Transition to Work? 

Transition to Work is a government funded service provided by Mission Australia that helps young people gain skills and confidence to find employment (including apprenticeships or traineeships) or education.

We are experienced in working with young people and employers, and have strong links with local businesses, community services and schools.

How our employer service works

We can provide you with access to workers aged 15-24 and can also help if you need to recruit trainees or apprentices.

Working as a long-term partner in your business, we provide you with support and advice on your workforce development needs, and make you aware of the options available, including access to wage subsidies - ask us for more information. Once your recruit has started we continue to provide support for 26 weeks to make sure they meet your expectations.

How does Transition to Work help me find employment?

We understand each person is unique and together with a dedicated Youth Employment Coach we will help you:

  • Understand your unique traits, interests, and purpose
  • Gain confidence in your abilities and capabilities
  • Develop practical skills and readiness to enter the workforce
  • Learn principles and behaviours valued by employers.

What can I expect?

After listening to your goals and interests we work with employers to help you:

  • Find employment or work experience opportunities
  • Access modified or flexible education and training
  • Identify employment pathways and opportunities in your local area
  • Connect with relevant community services for additional support for; mental health, alcohol or other drugs
  • Settle into your new job through post-placement support.

Check if you’re eligible

To participate in Transition to Work you must be:

  • Between 15-24 years old; and
  • Either an Australian citizen, or meet certain visa requirements

Your eligibility will take into consideration whether you:

  • Have a Year 12 certificate or Certificate III
  • Have been employed within the last six months
  • Are receiving an income support payment such as Youth Allowance
  • Are participating in another employment service
  • Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Information for employers

We can provide you with access to workers aged 15-24 and can also help if you need to recruit trainees or apprentices.

Working as a long-term partner in your business, we provide you with support and advice on your workforce development needs, and make you aware of the options available, including access to wage subsidies - ask us for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once your recruit has started we continue to provide support for 26 weeks to make sure they meet your expectations.

Find your next step with Transition to Work

Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please fill in your phone number
Please enter your postcode

Need employment, skills or training support?

Independence is something we all strive for, but life rarely turns out as planned. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'