For people living with depression or severe anxiety, every day can feel like an uphill battle.

Roshan* (45), originally from Sri Lanka, struggled under the weight of depression, making even the simplest tasks unbearable.

When his mental health began to spiral, Roshan made the difficult decision to leave his job as a cleaner to focus on his well-being. But this meant a loss of routine, financial stability and a sense of purpose. At the lowest point, Roshan was admitted to hospital after multiple attempts on his life.

"Once I left my unit and house, I was in a hospital for a year. That’s not a home. I didn’t have an address,” says Roshan.

Roshan felt a glimmer of hope when his hospital psychiatrist connected him to Anton, a caseworker from a Mission Australia Centre (MAC). Unable to afford a private rental, Roshan moved into the MAC accommodation facility.

Mental health is a leading cause of homelessness. In 2022-23, over 85,000 people who received support from a specialist homelessness service, were living with a current mental health condition1.

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He found more than just shelter and a physical address. He found a sense of belonging.

Imagine you’re drowning, and a lifeguard says, ‘I’ve got you’. That point when you touch the board... you feel safe. That’s how I felt at Mission Australia.”Roshan.

Thanks to our supporters, Roshan had access to support services including mental health practitioners, education and employment specialists, health services and more.

I was very grateful to have accommodation, but the biggest help was having a psychiatrist in the building.”
"Having access to this service changed my life.”Roshan.

With Anton by his side, Roshan began to rebuild his life.

Anton helped submit lengthy housing forms for a safe and affordable home. When Roshan’s application for housing was successful, he felt a wave of relief, but he would also miss the community at the MAC.

Knowing he is no longer alone; Roshan continues to walk towards independence and recovery.

Thanks for helping people like Roshan in their hour of need.

^Mission Australia Annual Report 2022-23.
1 AIHW (2023) Specialist homelessness services annual report 2022-23
*Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

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