Service directory
search results

Mission Australia's nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more.

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16 results for services with filters all categories, 7000

  • A man sending his two boys off to school

    Mission Australia Housing - Tasmania

    3 kilometres away

    Address: 27 Bligh Street, Rosny Park 7018 TAS

    Mission Australia is a national Tier 1 Community Housing Provider (CHP) delivering better homes in vibrant communities. ...

  • Volunteers doing work in the garden

    Community Chaplaincy Program TAS

    3 kilometres away

    Address: 27 Bligh Street, Rosny Park 7018 TAS

    Supporting client/tenant wellbeing and community strength through:
    - meeting pastoral and spiritual care needs in per...

  • A man completing auto repairs

    Disability Employment Service (DES - DMS) - Berriedale

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    Mission Australia's Disability Employment Services – Disability Management Services (DMS) supports people living with ...

  • Homeless man looking sad and desperate

    YouthBeat - Hobart

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    Connects with vulnerable young people across Southern Tasmania, making supported referrals and intervention for young pe...

  • A woman laughing and talking to her children

    People Staying Connected (PSC)

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    PSC offers a flexible format that responds to the changing needs of the community. We focus on providing opportunities t...

  • A woman laughing and talking to her children

    Targeted Youth Support Service

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    The Targeted Youth Support Service supports children and young people aged 10-18 in Hobart who are facing multiple chall...

  • A man sending his two boys off to school

    Tailored Support Coordination Service - Southern Tasmania

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    The Tailored Support Coordination Service (TSCS) work with tenants, other household members and selected applicants in S...

  • A woman laughing and talking to her children

    Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) - Chigwell House

    10 kilometres away

    Address: 2B Myella Drive, Berriedale 7011 TAS

    Integrated Family Support (IFSS) is a voluntary service focused on building the safety and wellbeing and safety of child...

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'