Service directory
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Mission Australia's nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more.

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23 results for services with filters all categories, 4870

  • Mission Australia NDIS Early Childhood Approach - Cairns QLD

    Mission Australia NDIS Early Childhood Approach - Cairns QLD

    13 kilometres away

    Address: Office 2, Yarrabah Knowledge Centre, 2 Noble Street, Yarrabah 4871 QLD

    The Early Childhood Approach promotes wellbeing, development, and community engagement through a family-centred approach...

  • Disabled person having an interview

    NDIS Local Area Coordination - Cairns

    13 kilometres away

    Address: Office 2, Yarrabah Knowledge Centre, 2 Noble Street, Yarrabah 4871 QLD

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) allows Australians with a permanent and significant disability the freed...

  • Disabled person having an interview

    NDIS Local Area Coordination - Edmonton (Hambledon House)

    13 kilometres away

    Address: Office 2, Yarrabah Knowledge Centre, 2 Noble Street, Yarrabah 4871 QLD

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) allows Australians with a permanent and significant disability the freed...

  • Volunteers doing work in the garden

    Communities of Focus Cairns South

    15 kilometres away

    Address: 177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton 4869 QLD

    Mission Australia’s Cairns South Communities of Focus initiative is a place-based approach that aims to address local ...

  • Volunteers doing work in the garden

    Hambledon House Community Centre

    15 kilometres away

    Address: 177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton 4869 QLD

    The Hambledon House Community Centre, located in Edmonton in Cairns, provides activities, programs and supports for chil...

  • A woman laughing and talking to her children

    South Cairns Specialist Counselling Service

    15 kilometres away

    Address: 177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton 4869 QLD

    The South Cairns Specialist Counselling Service provides specialist counselling for families experiencing family issues ...

  • A woman laughing and talking to her children

    Mission Australia Family Support Service

    15 kilometres away

    Address: 177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton 4869 QLD

    The Mission Australia Family Support Service, operating from Hambledon House in Edmonton (Cairns) works with families wh...

  • Communities for Children (CfC) - Facilitating Partner - Cairns South

    Communities for Children (CfC) - Facilitating Partner - Cairns South

    15 kilometres away

    Address: 177 Bruce Highway, Edmonton 4869 QLD

    Mission Australia Communities for Children (CfC) is an early intervention and prevention program that aims to improve th...

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'