A woman smiling and looking outside of a moving train

Making Space

Mental Health Recovery

Case management and psychosocial support for people living with the impacts of compulsive acquiring (hoarding) and associated squalor.
Making Space will assist individuals to declutter and address impacts of compulsive acquiring through access to a combination of practical support, informal counselling, life skills training, and a facilitated empowerment group.

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Who we assist

Individuals over the age of 16 who are primarily experiencing hoarding/compulsive acquiring and prioritising those who are at risk of tenancy loss and/or other adverse impacts directly related to hoarding/compulsive acquiring. Focus on those living in social housing.
Targeting people experiencing a moderate level of severity of hoarding and compulsive acquiring who may also be experiencing squalor and/or complexities.

Eligibility criteria

Primary experience of living with hoarding disorder/compulsory acquiring, who may be living in squalid conditions and/or be at risk of losing their tenancy.

Referral process

Referral via: https://cesphn.org.au/general-practice/help-my-patients-with/mental-health/mental-health-services-funded-by-cesphn/making-space-hoarding-program

Self referrals highly encouraged.

Contact us

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Opening hours

Monday - Friday

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'