Where we help

Mission Australia, one of the country’s largest for-purpose organisations, established Mission Australia Housing, a Tier 1 Community Housing Provider in 2008. Mission Australia Housing currently owns or manages more than 4,000 social and affordable homes, including Sydney’s $32 million Common Ground development.

Together, the two partner organisations work towards our goal of ending homelessness and ensuring people and communities in need can thrive.

Map of Australia with locations marked (Cairns, Coffs Harbour, Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania)
Mission Australia Housing is a Tier 1 Registered Housing Provider through National Registration

Registration and Accreditation

Mission Australia Housing is a Tier 1 Registered Housing Provider through National Registration.

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'

Mission Australia Housing

P: 1800 269 672

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Mission Australia Housing is a Tier 1 Registered Housing Provider through National Registration and is registered as a ‘Growth Provider’ with the WA Housing Authority. Mission Australia Housing is also a National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) Approved Participant.

Mission Australia Housing Victoria is a Registered Housing Provider with the Victorian Housing Registrar.