Local churches with a
heart for the nation

Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia seeks to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God. We seek relationships that mutually support the local church and our work in your community.

Your church involvement with us can look unique depending on the needs of the local community and the services we offer.

How churches and Christian organisations
can help fulfil our shared mission

1. Create community

• Welcome Mission Australia clients/tenants seeking a faith community into your church

• Host community meals, community pantry, community garden, playgroups


2. Volunteer

• Volunteer with us

• Provide use of your facilities/equipment for our services/events

Get involved

3. Partner with us

• Refer people needing help to our services

• Become a Community Mentor to connect with and support people in need

Learn more

Get in touch

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Meet our chaplains

Our chaplains assist with strengthening communities by fostering relationships with local Christian churches and faith-based organisations. They are available to share information and resources about our services.

Meet one of our chaplains:

Learn more

Sermon and Bible study resources

Our church resources are ideal to equip your congregation or small groups to address key issues of national importance,
such as homelessness, domestic and family violence and children in poverty.

These sermon outlines and Bible studies help church members and small groups understand:

• Current issues and what the Bible has to say

• How Christians are called to respond

Download now

Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God.”Proverbs 14:31

prayer diary

Will you pray with us?

By becoming a Mission Australia prayer partner, each week you’ll receive specific prayer points for a different service around the country.

Available in your choice of a weekly email or quarterly in the post, you can join Christians around Australia in prayer for people in need.

Become a prayer partner

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'